What's new?August 3, 2007 I'm back working on the site to fix links and make some slight changes. I updated the DNS so there is no longer a page redirect and encapsulation - all pages should now be standard URLs so you can bookmark, etc. The forums are accepting registrations for new members now. I added some Google ads to the forum pages - I know it sucks but I have a monthly bill for all this stuff that I need to try to counter-act. I find the google ads very unobtrusive and they can actually be helpful at times. Please email me if you have complaints: msherman at 221bakerstreet.org. Thanks! October 31, 2005 Well, someone with too much time on their hands had some fun in the discussion forums. I've restored them and all is well now. April 8, 2005: I added a new pictures page featuring high-quality scans from The Annotated Sherlock Holmes. The first set features images from The Valley Of Fear. The new page can be found here. October 22, 2004: I hope all of you have gotten the new DVD set recently released with the remaining Jeremy Brett Holmes shows. So, it's October. This month marks 10 years that this web site has been around. To celebrate I got the sound files back online. Jan 21, 2004: Okay, some things disappeared, such as the message board. They'll be back soon. Also, get ready for this page's 10-year anniversary in a few months. TEN YEARS?!?!? Wow. Yep, started back in 1994. Back when only a few of us knew what the Web was ;). Oh, and the problems with my email have been fixed. Sorry for the problems! July 20, 2002: The Discussion boards have been having some issues, so I installed a brand new discussion board using phpBB2. February 19, 2002: The Engineer's Thumb has been converted to PDF with Paget illustrations. PDF versions are available by clicking on the Adobe icon in the main Canon listing on the main page. Next story will be The Five Orange Pips; look for it on February 22. October 30, 2001: The guest book is back online, and many will be happy to hear that the Canon Search Engine will be back in a matter of days as well. Oh, and I added a message board. Check it out. December 4, 2000: "The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes" have been published in PDF format, with illustrations, and are available to all. See the Canon PDF page for more information. November 27, 2000: Three PDF (Adobe Portable Document Format) versions are available, with more coming. A project is underway to publish all 60 stories completely illustrated and annotated in PDF format by the new year. Right now you'll find Silver Blaze, Thor Bridge, and The Empty House. November 14, 2000: Registered a domain (finally) for the site, so this will soon be accessible at 221bakerstreet.org. This change comes as we celebrate 6 years of the 221b Baker Street web page. Also, you'll notice a huge change in the look of these pages as they switch to a more antique colour scheme. October 5, 2000: Started relinking some of the stories so they are available now. Also started converting more stories into Palm DOC format. January 6, 2000: Added two Holmes stories in Palm DOC format so you can read Holmes on the go.